Sunday, September 27, 2009

Devon Energy Reports Second-Quarter 2009 Results

Devon Energy Reports Second-Quarter 2009 Results

      royalties)                   Quarter Ended         Six Months Ended
     Excludes discontinued            June 30,              June 30,
      operations                    ------------          ------------
                                   2009      2008        2009      2008
                                   ----      ----        ----      ----
     Total Period Production
     Natural Gas (Bcf)
        U.S. Onshore              183.2     162.3       364.2     314.8
        U.S. Offshore              10.5      14.2        21.3      32.5
                                   ----      ----        ----      ----
        Total U.S.                193.7     176.5       385.5     347.3
        Canada                     60.1      53.0       112.8     104.7
        International               0.3       0.4         0.6       1.0
        -------------               ---       ---         ---       ---
        Total Natural Gas         254.1     229.9       498.9     453.0
        -----------------         -----     -----       -----     -----
     Oil (MMBbls)
        U.S. Onshore                2.9       2.8         5.9       5.7
        U.S. Offshore               1.2       1.8         2.3       3.6
                                    ---       ---         ---       ---
        Total U.S.                  4.1       4.6         8.2       9.3
        Canada                      6.6       5.3        12.9       9.9
        International               4.7       3.3         7.9       8.1
        -------------               ---       ---         ---       ---
        Total Oil                  15.4      13.2        29.0      27.3
        -------------              ----      ----        ----      ----
     Natural Gas Liquids (MMBbls)
        U.S. Onshore                6.4       5.8        12.6      11.6
        U.S. Offshore               0.2       0.2         0.4       0.4
                                    ---       ---         ---       ---
        Total U.S.                  6.6       6.0        13.0      12.0
        Canada                      1.0       1.0         2.0       1.9
        International                 -         -           -         -
        -------------               ---       ---         ---       ---
        Total Natural Gas
         Liquids                    7.6       7.0        15.0      13.9
        -----------------           ---       ---        ----      ----
     Oil Equivalent (MMBoe)
        U.S. Onshore               39.9      35.7        79.2      69.7
        U.S. Offshore               3.1       4.4         6.2       9.4
                                    ---       ---         ---       ---
        Total U.S.                 43.0      40.1        85.4      79.1
        Canada                     17.6      15.1        33.7      29.4
        International               4.8       3.3         8.0       8.3
        -------------               ---       ---         ---       ---
        Total Oil
         Equivalent                65.4      58.5       127.1     116.8
         -------------             ----      ----       -----     -----
     Average Daily Production
     Natural Gas (MMcf)
        U.S. Onshore            2,013.1   1,783.0     2,012.4   1,729.7
        U.S. Offshore             115.5     156.1       117.4     178.7
                                  -----     -----       -----     -----
        Total U.S.              2,128.6   1,939.1     2,129.8   1,908.4
        Canada                    660.2     582.6       623.0     575.0
        International               3.2       4.8         3.3       5.4
        -------------               ---       ---         ---       ---
        Total Natural Gas       2,792.0   2,526.5     2,756.1   2,488.8
        -----------------       -------   -------     -------   -------
     Oil (MBbls)
        U.S. Onshore               32.0      30.9        32.5      31.0
        U.S. Offshore              13.0      19.9        12.5      19.9
                                   ----      ----        ----      ----
        Total U.S.                 45.0      50.8        45.0      50.9
        Canada                     72.1      58.0        71.3      54.7
        International              52.3      35.8        43.4      44.6
        -------------              ----      ----        ----      ----
        Total Oil                 169.4     144.6       159.7     150.2
        ---------                 -----     -----       -----     -----
     Natural Gas Liquids
        U.S. Onshore               70.8      64.1        69.7      63.7
        U.S. Offshore               2.0       2.1         2.2       2.0
                                    ---       ---         ---       ---
        Total U.S.                 72.8      66.2        71.9      65.7
        Canada                     11.1      10.7        10.8      10.8
        International                 -         -           -         -
        -------------               ---       ---         ---       ---
        Total Natural Gas
         Liquids                   83.9      76.9        82.7      76.5
        -----------------          ----      ----        ----      ----
     Oil Equivalent (MBoe)
        U.S. Onshore              438.2     392.2       437.6     382.9
        U.S. Offshore              34.2      48.0        34.3      51.7
                                   ----      ----        ----      ----
        Total U.S.                472.4     440.2       471.9     434.6
        Canada                    193.3     165.8       185.9     161.3
        International              52.8      36.6        43.9      45.6
        -------------              ----      ----        ----      ----
        Total Oil Equivalent      718.5     642.6       701.7     641.5
        -----------------         -----     -----       -----     -----

     BENCHMARK PRICES                 Quarter Ended   Six Months Ended
      (average prices)                   June 30,          June 30,
                                      -------------     -------------
                                      2009     2008     2009     2008
                                      ----     ----     ----     ----
     Natural Gas ($/Mcf) -
      Henry Hub                       $3.51   $10.94    $4.21    $9.49
     Oil ($/Bbl) - West Texas
      (Cushing)                      $59.83  $124.28   $51.51  $110.98
     -------------------------------- -----  -------   ------  -------

     (excludes the effects of
      unrealized gains and
      losses from hedging)

     Quarter Ended June 30, 2009      Oil      Gas     NGLs     Total
                                     (Per     (Per     (Per     (Per
                                      Bbl)     Mcf)     Bbl)     Boe)
                                     ------   ------   ------   ------
     U.S. Onshore                    $54.66    $2.75   $20.81   $19.98
     U.S. Offshore                   $56.44    $3.76   $23.69   $35.49
     Total U.S.                      $55.18    $2.81   $20.89   $21.10
     Canada                          $48.14    $3.25   $30.99   $30.85
     International                   $56.03    $4.24       $-   $55.71
     -------------                   ------    -----      ---   ------
     Realized price without hedges   $52.44    $2.91   $22.24   $26.27
     Cash settlements                    $-    $0.45       $-    $1.75
     ----------------                   ---    -----      ---    -----
     Realized price, including cash
      settlements                    $52.44    $3.36   $22.24   $28.02
     ------------------------------  ------    -----   ------   ------

     Quarter Ended June 30, 2008      Oil      Gas     NGLs     Total
                                     (Per     (Per     (Per     (Per
                                      Bbl)     Mcf)     Bbl)     Boe)
                                    -------  -------  -------  -------
     U.S. Onshore                   $120.69    $9.40   $50.56   $60.51
     U.S. Offshore                  $125.24   $11.43   $53.63   $91.38
     Total U.S.                     $122.47    $9.56   $50.66   $63.88
     Canada                          $94.35    $9.76   $75.10   $72.14
     International                  $119.87   $11.00       $-  $118.70
     ------------------             -------   ------      ---  -------
     Realized price without hedges  $110.56    $9.61   $54.08   $69.14
     Cash settlements                $(0.01)  $(1.32)      $-   $(5.18)
     ----------------               -------  -------      ---  -------
     Realized price, including cash
      settlements                   $110.55    $8.29   $54.08   $63.96
     ------------------------------ -------    -----   ------   ------

     Six Months Ended June 30, 2009   Oil      Gas       NGLs    Total
                                     (Per     (Per      (Per    (Per
                                      Bbl)     Mcf)      Bbl)    Boe)
                                     ------   ------    ------  ------
     U.S. Onshore                    $44.67    $3.09    $19.16  $20.57
     U.S. Offshore                   $49.69    $4.46    $21.96  $34.85
     Total U.S.                      $46.07    $3.16    $19.24  $21.61
     Canada                          $38.19    $3.82    $28.52  $29.11
     International                   $50.10    $3.85        $-  $49.76
     ------------------------------- ------    -----        --  ------
     Realized price without hedges   $43.65    $3.31    $20.45  $25.36
     Cash settlements                    $-    $0.47        $-   $1.83
     ----------------                   ---    -----       ---   -----
     Realized price, including cash
      settlements                    $43.65    $3.78    $20.45  $27.19
     ------------------------------  ------    -----    ------  ------

     Six Months Ended June 30, 2008   Oil      Gas      NGLs     Total
                                     (Per     (Per     (Per     (Per
                                      Bbl)     Mcf)     Bbl)     Boe)
                                     -----     -----   ------   ------
     U.S. Onshore                   $107.15    $8.26   $47.65   $53.91
     U.S. Offshore                  $112.07    $9.94   $51.77   $79.52
     Total U.S.                     $109.08    $8.42   $47.78   $56.95
     Canada                          $84.16    $8.66   $68.86   $64.01
     International                  $105.63    $9.56       $-  $104.68
     ---------------                -------    -----      ---  -------
     Realized price without hedges   $98.98    $8.48   $50.76   $62.12
     Cash settlements                    $-   $(0.69)      $-   $(2.67)
     ----------------                   ---   ------      ---   ------
     Realized price, including cash
      settlements                    $98.98    $7.79   $50.76   $59.45
     ------------------------------  ------    -----   ------   ------

      (in millions, except per          Quarter Ended  Six Months Ended
       share amounts)                      June 30,        June 30,
                                         -----------     ------------
                                         2009   2008     2009    2008
                                         ----   ----     ----    ----
       Oil sales                         $808  $1,455   $1,262  $2,705
       Gas sales                          740   2,210    1,653   3,840
       NGL sales                          170     379      306     707
       Net gain (loss) on oil and gas
        derivative financial
        instruments                        13  (1,215)     167  (2,003)
       Marketing and midstream
        revenues                          359     719      730   1,274
       -----------------------            ---     ---      ---   -----
            Total revenues              2,090   3,548    4,118   6,523
       -----------------------          -----   -----    -----   -----
     Expenses and other income, net
       Lease operating expenses           510     537    1,034   1,043
       Production taxes                    47     176       89     310
       Marketing and midstream
        operating costs and expenses      234     515      463     897
       Depreciation, depletion and
        amortization of oil and gas
        properties                        494     762    1,093   1,499
       Depreciation and amortization
        of non-oil and gas properties      74      62      144     119
       Accretion of asset retirement
        obligation                         24      22       48      44
       General and administrative
        expenses                          182     180      348     328
       Interest expense                    90      90      173     192
       Change in fair value of other
        financial instruments             (10)    (40)     (15)    (24)
       Reduction of carrying value of
        oil and gas properties              -       -    6,516       -
       Other expense (income), net         20     (17)      27     (38)
       ---------------------------        ---     ---      ---     ---
            Total expenses and other
             income, net                1,665   2,287    9,920   4,370
       -----------------------------    -----   -----    -----   -----
     Earnings (loss) from continuing
      operations before income taxes      425   1,261   (5,802)  2,153
     -------------------------------      ---   -----  -------   -----
     Income tax expense (benefit)
       Current                             51     414       53     517
       Deferred                            77     253   (2,194)    391
       --------                            --     ---  -------     ---
            Total income tax expense
             (benefit)                    128     667   (2,141)    908
       -----------------------------      ---     ---  -------     ---
     Earnings (loss) from continuing
      operations                          297     594   (3,661)  1,245
     -------------------------------      ---     ---  -------   -----
     Discontinued operations
       Earnings from discontinued
        operations before income taxes     17     851       16   1,040
       Income tax expense                   -     144        -     235
       ------------------                 ---     ---      ---     ---
            Earnings from discontinuing
             operations                    17     707       16     805
       --------------------------------   ---     ---      ---     ---
     Net earnings (loss)                  314   1,301   (3,645)  2,050
     Preferred stock dividends              -       3        -       5
     -------------------------            ---     ---      ---     ---
     Net earnings (loss) applicable
      to common stockholders             $314  $1,298  $(3,645) $2,045
     ------------------------------      ----  ------  -------  ------

     Basic net earnings (loss) per
       Earnings (loss) from continuing
        operations                      $0.67   $1.33   $(8.25)  $2.80
       Earnings from discontinued
        operations                      $0.04   $1.58    $0.04   $1.80
       --------------------------       -----   -----    -----   -----
       Net earnings (loss)              $0.71   $2.91   $(8.21)  $4.60
       ------------------               -----   -----  -------   -----

     Diluted net earnings (loss) per
       Earnings (loss) from continuing
        operations                      $0.66   $1.31   $(8.25)  $2.76
       Earnings from discontinued
        operations                      $0.04   $1.57    $0.04   $1.79
       --------------------------       -----   -----    -----   -----
       Net earnings (loss)              $0.70   $2.88   $(8.21)  $4.55
       ------------------               -----   -----  -------   -----

      (in millions)                                 June 30,  December 31,
                                                       2009       2008
                                                       ----       ----
     Assets                                                     (Audited)
     ------                                                     ---------
     Current assets
       Cash and cash equivalents                        $648        $379
       Accounts receivable                             1,318       1,412
       Income taxes receivable                            27         334
       Derivative financial instruments, at fair
        value                                            226         282
       Other current assets                              358         277
       -----------------------                           ---         ---
          Total current assets                         2,577       2,684
       -----------------------                         -----       -----
     Property and equipment, at cost, based on
      the full cost method of accounting for oil
      and gas properties ($4,298 and $4,551
      excluded from amortization in 2009 and 2008,
      respectively)                                   59,086      55,664
       Less accumulated depreciation, depletion
        and amortization                              40,999      32,683
       ----------------------------------------       ------      ------
       Property and equipment, net                    18,087      22,981
       ---------------------------                    ------      ------
     Goodwill                                          5,710       5,579
     Other long-term assets, including $180
      million and $199 million at fair value
      in 2009 and 2008, respectively                     683         664
      ------------------------------                     ---         ---
     Total Assets                                    $27,057     $31,908
     ------------                                    -------     -------
     Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity
     Current liabilities
       Accounts payable - trade                       $1,074      $1,825
       Revenues and royalties due to others              377         496
       Short-term debt                                 1,508         180
       Current portion of asset retirement
        obligation, at fair value                        175         138
       Accrued expenses and other current
        liabilities                                      358         496
       ----------------------------------                ---         ---
          Total current liabilities                    3,492       3,135
       ----------------------------------              -----       -----
     Long-term debt                                    5,849       5,661
     Asset retirement obligation, at fair value        1,411       1,347
     Other long-term liabilities                       1,036       1,026
     Deferred income taxes                             1,587       3,679
     ---------------------                             -----       -----
     Stockholders' equity
       Common stock                                       44          44
       Additional paid-in capital                      6,363       6,257
       Retained earnings                               6,589      10,376
       Accumulated other comprehensive income            686         383
       --------------------------------------            ---         ---
     Total Stockholders' Equity                       13,682      17,060
     --------------------------                       ------      ------
     Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity      $27,057     $31,908
     ------------------------------------------      -------     -------
     Common Shares Outstanding                           444         444
     -------------------------                           ---         ---

      (in millions)                                  Six Months Ended June 30,
                                                          2009      2008
     Cash Flows From Operating Activities                 ----      ----
       Net (loss) earnings                              $(3,645)   $2,050
       Earnings from discontinued
        operations, net of tax                              (16)     (805)
       Adjustments to reconcile (loss)
        earnings from continuing
        operations to net cash provided by
        operating activities:
            Depreciation, depletion and
             amortization                                 1,237     1,618
            Deferred income tax (benefit)
             expense                                     (2,194)      391
            Reduction of carrying value of oil
             and gas properties                           6,516         -
            Net unrealized loss on oil and gas
             derivative financial instruments                65     1,692
            Other noncash charges                           134       122
            Net increase in working capital                 (89)     (132)
            Decrease (increase) in long-term
             other assets                                    43       (37)
            Increase in long-term other
             liabilities                                     19       181
       --------------------------------                     ---       ---
       Cash provided by operating
        activities - continuing operations                2,070     5,080
       Cash provided by operating
        activities - discontinued
        operations                                            7       106
       --------------------------                           ---       ---
     Net cash provided by operating
      activities                                         $2,077    $5,186
     ------------------------------                      ------    ------

     Cash Flows From Investing Activities
       Proceeds from sales of property and
        equipment                                             2       108
       Capital expenditures                              (3,201)   (3,870)
       Purchases of short-term investments                    -       (50)
       Sales of long-term and short-term
        investments                                           4       295
       -----------------------------------                  ---       ---
       Cash used in investing activities -
        continuing operations                            (3,195)   (3,517)
       Cash provided by investing
        activities - discontinued
        operations                                            2     1,712
       --------------------------                           ---     -----
     Net cash used in investing activities              $(3,193)  $(1,805)
     -------------------------------------              -------   -------

     Cash Flows From Financing Activities
       Proceeds from borrowing of
        long-term debt, net of issuance
        costs                                             1,187         -
       Credit facility repayments                             -    (3,070)
       Credit facility borrowings                             -     1,620
       Net commercial paper borrowings
        (repayments)                                        325    (1,004)
       Debt repayments                                       (1)      (47)
       Redemption of preferred stock                          -      (150)
       Proceeds from stock option
        exercises                                             9       104
       Repurchases of common stock                            -      (252)
       Dividends paid on common and
        preferred stock                                    (142)     (146)
       Excess tax benefits related to
        share-based compensation                              5        55
     ------------------------------                         ---       ---
     Net cash provided by (used in)
      financing activities                               $1,383   $(2,890)
     -------------------------------                     ------   -------

     Effect of exchange rate changes on cash                  5       (19)
     -------------------------------                        ---       ---
     Net increase in cash and cash
      equivalents                                           272       472
     Cash and cash equivalents at beginning
      of period (including assets held for sale)            384     1,373
     -------------------------------                        ---     -----
     Cash and cash equivalents at end of
      period (including assets held for
      sale)                                                $656    $1,845
     ===================================                   ====    ======

     DRILLING ACTIVITY                    Quarter Ended     Six Months Ended
                                             June 30,            June 30,
                                             --------            --------
                                          2009       2008     2009     2008
                                          ----       ----     ----     ----
     Exploration Wells Drilled
         U.S.                                2          8        9       17
         Canada                              7          7       29       58
         International                       -          1        1        7
         -------------                     ---        ---      ---      ---
         Total                               9         16       39       82
         -----                             ---        ---      ---      ---
     Exploration Wells Success Rate
         U.S.                               50%        88%      78%      71%
         Canada                            100%        86%     100%      95%
         International                       -          0%       0%       0%
         -------------                     ---        ---      ---      ---
         Total                              89%        81%      92%      82%
         -----                             ---        ---      ---      ---
     Development Wells Drilled
         U.S.                              160        405      454      777
         Canada                             22         61      143      259
         International                       7         12       13       22
         -------------                     ---        ---      ---      ---
         Total                             189        478      610    1,058
         -----                             ---        ---      ---    -----
     Development Wells Success Rate
         U.S.                              100%        98%      99%      98%
         Canada                            100%       100%      99%     100%
         International                     100%        92%     100%      91%
         -------------                     ---        ---      ---      ---
         Total                             100%        98%      99%      98%
         -----                             ---        ---      ---      ---
     Total Wells Drilled
         U.S.                              162        413      463      794
         Canada                             29         68      172      317
         International                       7         13       14       29
         -------------                     ---        ---      ---      ---
         Total                             198        494      649    1,140
         -----                             ---        ---      ---    -----
     Total Wells Success Rate
         U.S.                               99%        98%      99%      98%
         Canada                            100%        99%      99%      99%
         International                     100%        85%      93%      69%
         -------------                     ---        ---      ---      ---
         Total                              99%        98%      99%      97%
         -----                             ---        ---      ---      ---

                                                                  June 30,
                                                               2009     2008
                                                               ----     ----
     Number of Company Operated Rigs Running
       U.S.                                                      23       79
       Canada                                                     1       12
       International                                              -        1
       -------------                                            ---      ---
       Total                                                     24       92
       -----                                                    ---      ---

     CAPITAL EXPENDITURES (in millions)
     Quarter Ended June 30,
                               U.S.     U.S.
                             Onshore  Offshore  Canada International   Total
                            --------- --------- ------ -------------   -----
     Capital Expenditures
       Exploration                $25     31        19       53         $128
       Development                409    119       149       43          720
       -----------                ---    ---       ---       --          ---
       Exploration and
        development capital      $434    150       168       96         $848
       Capitalized G&A                                                   104
       Capitalized interest                                               21
        operations                                                         -
       Midstream capital                                                  62
       Other capital                                                      24
       -------------                                                      --
     Total Capital
      Expenditures                                                    $1,059
     -------------                                                    ------

     CAPITAL EXPENDITURES (in millions)
      Six Months Ended June 30,
                               U.S.     U.S.
                             Onshore  Offshore  Canada International   Total
                            --------- --------- ------ -------------   -----
     Capital Expenditures
       Exploration                $50    114        69      109         $342
       Development              1,130    238       379       60        1,807
       -----------              -----    ---       ---       --        -----
       Exploration and
        development capital    $1,180    352       448      169       $2,149
       Capitalized G&A                                                   208
       Capitalized interest                                               46
        operations                                                         4
       Midstream capital                                                 150
       Other capital                                                      44
       -------------                                                      --
     Total Capital
      Expenditures                                                    $2,601
     -------------                                                    ------


    The United States Securities and Exchange Commission has adopted
    disclosure requirements for public companies such as Devon concerning Non-
    GAAP financial measures. (GAAP refers to generally accepted accounting
    principles.) The company must reconcile the Non-GAAP financial measure to
    related GAAP information. Cash flow before balance sheet changes is a Non-
    GAAP financial measure. Devon believes cash flow before balance sheet
    changes is relevant because it is a measure of cash available to fund the
    company's capital expenditures, dividends and to service its debt. Cash
    flow before balance sheet changes is also used by certain securities
    analysts as a measure of Devon's financial results.

      (in millions)                          Quarter Ended   Six Months Ended
                                                June 30,          June 30,
                                            ----------------    ------------
                                            2009        2008    2009    2008
                                            ----        ----    ----    ----
     Net Cash Provided By Operating
      Activities (GAAP)                     $1,030     $2,931  $2,077  $5,186
     ------------------------------         ------     ------  ------  ------
       Changes in assets and liabilities -
        continuing operations                   81       (365)     27       2
       Changes in assets and liabilities -
        discontinued operations                 (2)       124      (7)     61
       -----------------------------------     ---        ---     ---     ---
     Cash flow before balance sheet changes
      (Non-GAAP)                            $1,109     $2,690  $2,097  $5,249
     -------------------------------------- ------     ------  ------  ------

    Devon believes that using net debt for the calculation of "net debt to
    adjusted capitalization" provides a better measure than using debt. Devon
    defines net debt as debt less cash and cash equivalents. Devon believes
    that because cash can be used to repay indebtedness, netting cash and cash
    equivalents against debt provides a clearer picture of the future demands
    on cash to repay debt.

      (in millions)                                           June 30,
                                                         2009          2008
                                                         ----          ----
     Total debt (GAAP)                                  $7,357        $5,450
       Cash and cash equivalents                           648         1,838
       --------------------------                          ---         -----
       Net Debt (Non-GAAP)                              $6,709        $3,612
       --------------------------                       ------        ------

     Total debt                                         $7,357        $5,450
     Stockholders' equity                               13,682        23,433
       --------------------------                       ------        ------
       Total Capitalization (GAAP)                     $21,039       $28,883
       --------------------------                      -------       -------

     Net debt                                           $6,709        $3,612
     Stockholders' equity                               13,682        23,433
       --------------------------                       ------        ------
       Adjusted Capitalization (Non-GAAP)              $20,391       $27,045
       --------------------------                      -------       -------

SOURCE  Devon Energy Corporation